Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God is my Valentine

This week has been hard, I'm not going to lie. I keep thinking about Valentines Day and how it was one year ago on February 14th that Jeff was arrested. What a year it has been since that day. Ups and downs, twists and turns, feelings of failure and guilt.

I have never really cared for Valentine's Day. To me it's a gimicky holiday and if you love someone Hallmark and FTD shouldn't push you to say it or show it. Show me with a heart felt hug, a suprise cup of hot chocolate just because you know I'm cold, my favorite candy because you know it will make me smile not because you feel forced to show your love.

So last night I met with Lynn, Joy and Jen for our weight loss meeting. We were downstairs exercising and I blurted out "Sisters, I need your prayers this week because I am really feeling discouraged. Sunday will be one year since I was seperated from my husband". Now those that know me, know that my wants and needs are usually kept to my self. I am a healer, fixer, lover for other peoples wants and needs. Joy replied without missing a beat "come hang out with us after church Sunday morning...we will have lunch together". Just like that, I was enveloped in love. I opened my heart to these sweet sisters and God filled it. Later on that night after devotion we each took turns praying for each other. In her prayer for me, Joy said "Lord, let Jessica realize that you are her Valentine. That your love will never go away and you gave her the greatest Valentine by dying on the cross". My heavy heart was lifted as I realized He is my Valentine and He loves me ALL the time. He doesn't just show it one day a year but every day. He shows me in the flowers that bloom in the spring, in the birds that come to my feeder, in the hugs and prayers of my family and friends. What a wonderful gift!!!

The wonderful thing is that God is your Valentine too. Open your heart today and accept that love offering that He is giving to you.



Wendy Blight said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for desiring to join our Proverbs study. Praying for each of you that will be joining us.

I love your post today...I have never thought of Jesus as my Valentine. He is THE best valentine because He will never leave us, disappoint us, or hurt us.

Praying He will be the strength of your heart and your portion forever...especially these next few days. May He fill you full with His love from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Praying the mind of Christ over you to protect you from the lies and discouraging words from the evil one.

"See" you Monday.



Rachel Beran said...

Oh Jessica, thank you for sharing your heart (and heartaches) with us. So glad that you stepped out, opening your heart to be honest with your sisters in Christ. God IS your valentine and unlike others He will never diappoint. :)It's also nice to have some of God's vessels in your life..your Christian friends that God can speak and work through.

Before I met my husband, I dated a guy for 3 years. We broke up only a few weeks before Valentine's Day. It was a really bad breakup. Like you I've never been a big fan of V-Day, but I was feeling especially sad that year. A girlfriend of mine sent flowers to me at work. She marked off "Happy Valentine's Day" from the card and wrote, "Happy Cupid Should Be Shot Day." It made me laugh! That evening when I got off from work she and I went out to share some chocolate cake, coffee and conversation. I'll never forget it. Like you said, I felt enveloped in love...something I needed so much at the moment. That day she was God's vessel to show me the love I needed.

Have a great Valentine's Day hanging out with your friends. And enjoying your true Valentine!! :)

Love this verse: "You are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you." Isaiah 43:4
