Thursday, April 24, 2008

My First Blog

Happy Thursday!
I start every morning by checking out the blogs of some of my favorit scrappers and paper crafters. So I took a leap this morning and decided that I would create my own blog. Since I am at my 9-6 job right now, I have no pictures to post but I promise that I will add those soon.

I am a 34 year old novice scrapper/paper crafter. I started out with stamping about ten years ago and then put it away after a few months. Then about a year ago, my friend Becky got me started on scrapbooking. This led to a love of card making and it was all downhill (or uphill depending upon how you look at it) from there. I joined a Pine Cone Press Club group in December of last year and have felt my confidence level grow since. Our leader, Pam, says that everytime she sees something I have done she thinks "Jessica's blooming" which is exactly how I feel.

I have found my inspiration through Becky's pages, Pam's ideas, a blog title inkastamp, our local scrapbook store--Scrapbook Cafe, and life in general. Since scrapbooking, I find that I appreciate and notice the little things in my daily life even more.

What inspires you?


lori said...

wow!! good for you, your first blog posting!! you are blooming...

what inspires me?? papers, other people's creativity, crazy ideas that i get in my head, or sometimes just seeing a photo inspires me to make something with it.

pinecone press club was good, the kit is nice, the idea book is FULL of layouts, always a plus with me!!

have a wonderful day and thanks for visiting my blog... glad that i found yours.

{hmmm... i think that this makes me your very first comment!! ;) }

Julie said...

Well, Visiting other blogs and message board sites, looking through scrap catalogs is where I find some of my inspiration. So glad to see you join the blogland. It can be very addidicting.