Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Birthdays, Family and Fun

The last time I blogged the kids were getting ready to start school. Carson's first day was last Tuesday. He loves his teacher, Ms.Isaacs, and so far things are good. His momma shed a few tears but that's to be expected when your baby starts first grade (or second or fifth or tenth). Carson is home sick today--he has whatever this allergy/cold thing is that's going around. We all sound like frogs. Delaney started preschool on Wednesday and in typical Delaney fashion she marched right in and attacked the day.

Randy, Loretta and Sofie came over on Tuesday night. We grilled burgers and brats, called Tracy to wish her a happy birthday and just enjoyed each other's company. I really look forward to these Tuesday nights. Loretta and I get along so well---she is a true kindred spirit, Jeff and Randy do their thing, we all love on Sofie and Momma (Jeff's mom for future reference) just basks in the joy of having her family near. Loretta and I took Sofie for a walk and while Loretta was getting out the stroller Sofie took some time to indulge in one of her

Friday night I met up with the girls at Scrapbook Cafe and cropped. I managed to finish two layouts of Jackson and cut out the pieces for my Pine Cone Press project. Saturday, Momma and I went over to St. Louis. We had lunch with Randy, Loretta and Sofie and then went to the History Museum for the World's Fair Exhibit. I came home, made Dad's birthday cake and waited for mom and dad to show up.

We all went to LaFonda for Dad's birthday dinner and then it was home for cake and presents.

Jeff and I gave him a portable DVD player. Dad's spends a lot of time out in the garage watching the people drive and walk by. This was the perfect gift because it allows him to play his CD's or DVD's while he is outside. I knew that it was perfect when he gave me an unexpected hug--the kind where you throw your arms around the person and squeeze with happiness.

Sunday, my mom and I attended a Longaberger luncheon and then mom went back home. Dad is staying with me for the week. Thank goodness because Monday was the day from HELL and if Dad hadn't been here it would have been worse.

We made it through Monday and so far the week has been good. Momma went to the doctor yesterday. There are no major changes which is good. I had Pine Cone Press class last night and Randy came over to spend time with Jeff.

Dad and I had one on one time this morning over breakfast and tonight I am getting my hair done.

Today I am thankful for the little things like unexpected hugs. Look around you for the little things that make you smile.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to School Cards

Can you believe it's time for the kids to go back to school??? I know that here they are going back earlier than usual. My two children (well not really mine but I still LOVE them) start Tuesday and Wednesday.

Carson starts first grade ----I could just cry and I'm not even his birth mother.

So here is the card that I made I for him.....

I was happy with it until I added the rub on "Back to School" at the top. I should have applied it to a white piece of card stock and then affixed it to the card. I LOVE the Tigger though. I was trying to find a stamp to fit the theme and was coming up blank. I stumbled across this Tigger and he just looked like he was marching off to school. So I gave him a little love, cut him out, used a black jelly roll pin on his stripes and then colored in the rest with a blender pen and SU Groovy Guava ink. Carson's mom would be so proud of my pen skills :>)

Delaney starts Preschool....not as major but still very important.

Delaney is our animal lover, so this is her card.....

I am MUCH happier with this card...I should be since it took my two days. The background is stamped with polka dots, I included Delaney's two favorite "friends" butterfly's and ladybugs, and , of course, the stamps of the two girls. The inside says " Have fun in preschool and make lots of friends". I know she will.

Love your children because they grow up so quickly.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Each Have A Gift

Sunday I was perusing my favorite blogs when I came across this entry on

"I decided to make this little spiral-bound book to write down some of my favorite verses. My mom shared one of her favorite verses with me yesterday. It really spoke to me as I continue on this creative journey so I decided to make it the first entry in my book. It's 1 Peter 4:10:
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."
What really strikes me about this verse is what it doesn't say. It doesn't say "If you received a gift..." it says "whatever gift you have received". We have all received gifts from Him... special and unique and it is our responsibility and privilege to use those gift to glorify God."

I gain a lot of inspiration from Taylor's creations but this one really spoke to me. We all have a gift....even if we don't think we do. How many times have you received the email survey from a friend asking you to answer a list of questions about yourself? There is always the question that states "what is your hidden talent" and most of us reply "nothing". This is not true according to God's Word.

Perhaps you have a gift of hospitality---you know how to make people feel welcome and comfortable in your home, at an event, etc. Maybe it's the gift of working with children or adults. Our gifts do not have to be "creative" necessarily.

Remember that we will all have a gift---embrace yours.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

If I Were A RIch Man.......

deedle deedle deedle do.....I would buy season tickets for the Muny every year!!!

My mom, my friend/sister Becky and I went to see Fiddler on the Roof at the Muny last night. We had gorgeous weather (it's an outdoor theater), great seats and the play was fantastic. I, of course, forgot my camera so I have no pics to show of us.

Jeff's mom was supposed to go but this is a transfusion weekend and to be honest, she just couldn't have made it if we had taken her. I started out the evening with a migraine (of course). Mom and I had a quick dinner at Subway, picked up Becky and then arrived at the Muny about an hour before show time.

Parking is such a bear in Forest Park where the theater is located that you have to arrive early. Becky hadn't been to the Muny since college so it was a great opportunity to just walk around and to listen to the Muny Kids sing before the gates open.

Gates opened and we went straight to the concession stands. Becky had watched a show on the Food Network about a St. Louis man who makes these ice cream cones that are dipped in chocoloate and rolled in nuts and then the whole ice cream cone is rolled in chocolate. The ice cream cone is only sold in St. Louis so we had to have one. She had that and I went on the mild side with a strawberry sorbet (it's made locally by the same man but no chocolate or nuts).

Off to our seats where we were met by a SWARM of bees. Apparently there was a soda accident in our row and the rows immeditately in front of and behind us, so they were drawn to the sticky goodness. As I am usually Ms. Prepared, I whipped out my baby wipes and cleaned off our seats. The bees were leaving us alone but were bothering everyone around us, so someone finally went for an usher. He came back with this can of "bee foam" and sprayed them all--at least most of them.

And then the real show started-----again, a beautiful night. The stars were out and there was a light breeze every now and then. The actors/actresses were great and the songs of course stick in your head for hours and days. I agreed with Becky that the ending was anti-climatic but then, what can you do????

So my words of wisdom today are:
1. Always come prepared for the POSSIBLE situations
2. Take time to enjoy time with those you love
3. Listen to your heart

Mazel tov